Our History
3 Greek brothers - Socrates, Evangelos and Chris Kikis founded Kalimera Foods. Started selling to the local delis and supermarkets predominantly Greek customers by word of mouth . Two months after starting the business Rafael was hired.
Rafael and Alejandra buy Kalimera Foods from Socrates and Evangelos and start their company Cosmos Foods Inc. DBA Kalimera Foods.
Chris Kikis passes away
Kalimera Foods was forced to move out of the 13-15 131st St. location in College Point due to the business next door wanted to expand (Update the building has been torn down) and moved to its current location at 130-07 26th Ave. Flushing.
Dec. 19th 2015- Evangelos Kikis passes way
Kalimera Foods was on the verge of collapsing due to Alejandra’s health issues
COVID-19 hits; Rafael and Eric work alone to get through the pandemic and Kalimera manages to stay in business.
Kalimera starts implementing new workflow system and recovers from the pandemic.
Kalimera flourishes this year and starts planning for a technological revamp for 2023. Stay tuned.